The All-Russian competition-festival "Friends in Kaliningrad" will be held within the framework of the VII International Music and Dance Festival "Friends in Moscow" (hereinafter referred to as the Festival). The purpose of the festival is the development, preservation and popularization of the multinational culture of Russia. The idea of the festival is the development of public diplomacy, the establishment of friendship, cooperation and mutual understanding between the creative teams of Russia and foreign countries through music and dance. The festival contributes to the strengthening of civil peace and interethnic harmony.


  • Children's, youth and adult dance ensembles of any direction, choirs, vocal ensembles and soloists, musical groups and individual performers, as well as performers of other creative genres can participate in the festival.
  • The age of participants from 5 years and older without restrictions.
  • Online participants, along with the application, send a link to their video performance on the You Tube channel. Each video is participating in the online voting for the People's Choice Award. The winner is determined by the number of likes. The winner of the Audience Choice Award will be announced on July 8 during the Awarding Ceremony.
  • Each participant performs 1 competitive work.
  • The duration of the performance is no more than 4 minutes. For theatrical performances and folklore rituals - the duration of the performance is strictly up to 8 minutes.

Video requirements:

  • Qualitative amateur or professional videos are admitted. The shooting might be carried out on stage or home premises, as well as video from another competition or concert is allowed.
  • Videos must be recorded without editing in one frame and posted on the Youtube. In case of difficulties with posting video on Youtube, you can send a video file in MP4 format to our mail.
  • Only the competitive performance of the participants should be presented on the video (recording of the concert in its entirety or video-presentations are not allowed).
  • Faces, hands, feet of all participants in the video must be clearly visible.
  • The video must be the original without the use of filters or other methods of correction or editing.
  • By sending a link to a video, the contest participant automatically confirms his consent to the use of the material by third parties (organizers, jury members, other contest participants), as well as to post the video on the organizer's social networks. The participant is responsible for the correctness of the materials provided and their description.
  • The name of the file must be done in the following form: Name of the group/performer - Name of the performance - country. For example, Rapinder Folk Academy-Bhangra-India

Terms and procedures:

Until 15.06    Acceptance of applications
03.07              Start of online voting for the Audience Choice Award in the group
08.07              Competitive performances of offline participants. Rewarding. Announcement of online voting results.
Until 15.07     Sending of diplomas and the results of the festival winners.

Participation fee:

Financing of the competition and festival events is carried out at the expense of target contributions (donations) of the participants.
Online participation fee (donation):
  • Soloist – 35 euro
  • Duets, trios, quarters – 45 euro
  • Ensemble (groups) more than 4 people – 70 euro
  • Personal diplomas for each participant (upon request by e-mail) - 4 euro
Online participation fee (donation) includes:
  • Participation in the competition
  • Participation in the online voting for the People's Choice Award
  • Evaluation by Jury members
  • An international diploma (by e-mail)
  • Thanks letters to the leader and a teacher.
Payment order:
  • Registration to the festival will be made after 100% payment is made to the Organizer's account.
  • If the festival participation fee is paid by an organization, you must provide details of the legal entity.
  • In case of refusal to participate in the festival 14 days before the start the deposit is not refundable.
Any group willing to participate must submit an Application form.


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