Добре дошли в Охрид, Перлата на Балканите, както нашите гости обичат да казват. Охрид е комбинация от традиция и съвремие, главен духовен, културен и туристически център на Македония, който е в списъка на ЮНЕСКО за световно културно наследство заедно с Охридското езеро като природна забележителност. Многобройните исторически паметници, открити в околностите, говорят за традицията на македонския народ. Можете да се потопите в историята и културата, да пазарувате и да се насладите на кулинарното изкуство в града. Тук има неща, които не се срещат никъде другаде, най-дълбоките спомени сливат епохи и империи, царства и мисии, преплитайки на фина нишка историческата приемственост на Балканите. От друга страна природата не ни спестява красотите си разположени от бреговете на езерото и до планина Галичица, от чиито връх може да се насладите на гледката към двете езера - Охридското и Преспанското езеро. Потърсете и изберете вашите любими плажове и места за забавление през нощта или през деня. Изберете ресторант, където да ядете, пиете и вкусите домашно приготвена храна, докато слушате традиционна музика. Посетете музеите, църквите и галериите. Можете да научите много за историята на града. Тръгнете на пътешествие през езерото, планините и околните села. Насладете се на престоя си в Охрид! Стойте колкото се може повече в този град и той няма да ви напусне, където и да отидете по света.

Охридското езеро е разположено на планинската граница между Югозападна Македония и Източна Албания. То е едно от най-дълбоките и най-старите езера в Европа с уникална водна екосистема от световно значение с повече от 200 ендемични вида. Според последните научни изследвания то се е формирало преди около 3 милиона години в резултат на тектонични промени. Днес в света има само няколко езера, които могат да се сравнят по старост с Охридското езеро. Насладете се на невероятните пейзажи, които се променят с разместването на облаците и слънчевата светлина в постоянно сменящи се шарки и винаги ще ви изумяват с красотата си, като в приказка от мечтите ви.

Purpose of the festival:

This festival is the perfect occasion for different groups from various countries to gather together so that they could express their culture and nation through dances, music and interesting national costumes. Ohrid will be the host and the gathering place for dance groups and national art groups from all around the world to meet new people, make new friendship relationships and also, see the beauties of our town Ohrid and the Ohrid lake, which are under the protection of UNESCO. The idea of the festival is to develop new forms of communication in the international dialogue and international cooperation in the future.

General terms and conditions:

  • Groups from all over the world can take part in this festival.
  • Folk dance groups, modern dance groups, choirs, but also majorette teams and brass bands and orchestras are welcome to apply.
  • The number of participants and followers is not limited.
  • There is no age limit (beside youth and children participants, older or veterans also may participate).
  • It is necessary to prepare minimum one program with the duration of 12 – 15 minutes per program.
  • Each group should bring the national flag of the country that they represent.
  • It is also necessary to visibly display panel on which the name of your group and the name of your country is inscribed.
  • It is recommended that groups should bring about 12 – 15 small gifts for exchange.
  • Participants can perform with orchestras (recommended) or with recorded music (on CD or USB).
  • In order to participate in this festival, every group needs to fill in an application form. When applying, if possible, please provide some photos, videos or brief history of the group. These materials will be used for promotional and advertising purposes (in advertisements, fliers and posters).
  • After receiving the application form and completion of advance payment, the organizer will send an official letter of invitation for participation at the Festival. The rest of the payment should be completed immediately after the group arrives in order to take part at the festival.

Festival organizers provide:

  • Accommodation in hotels and apartments, according to the price selected;
  • 2 double rooms per group with no supplement to be paid (one for the leaders of the group and another for the drivers of the bus). The rest of the rooms are with 3 and 4 beds;
  • Tourist guides for sightseeing of the town (on request only);
  • Advertising of the festival (press conference, radio, TV channels, posters and flyers);
  • Professional sound equipment: (2 bass speakers, 4 satellite speakers, 2 monitor speakers…);
  • Professional light equipment;
  • Certificates for participation in the festival;
  • Drinks during the performance;
  • Souvenir and gift for each group;
  • DVD and photos of the festival.

Participation fee:

Basic category hotels, villas and apartments

  • 75 euro per person for 3 nights half board accommodation (breakfast and dinner)
  • 99 euro per person for 4 nights half board accommodation (breakfast and dinner)
  • 123 euro per person for 5 nights half board accommodation (breakfast and dinner)

  • 89 euro per person for  3 nights full board accommodation (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
  • 118 euro per person for  4 nights full board accommodation (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
  • 149 euro per person for  5 nights full board accommodation (breakfast, lunch and dinner)

Advanced category hotels 3*: Hotel “Chingo”; Hotel “Diplomat”; Hotel “Ambasador”

  • 89 euro per person for 3 nights half board accommodation (breakfast and dinner)
  • 118 euro per person for 4 nights half board accommodation (breakfast and dinner)

  • 119 euro per person for 3 nights full board accommodation (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
  • 149 euro per person for 4 nights full board accommodation (breakfast, lunch and dinner)

Advanced category hotels 4*: Hotel “Mizo”; Hotel ”Sky Corner”; Hotel “Village”4*

  • 123 euro per person for 3 nights half board accommodation (breakfast and dinner)
  • 159 euro per person for 4 nights half board accommodation (breakfast and dinner)

  • 163 euro per person for 3 nights full board accommodation (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
  • 198 euro per person for 4 nights full board accommodation (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
If there are 24paying participants in a group, the 25th will be free of charge.
Supplement for double room is 8 euro per day per person.
Supplement for accommodation in a single room is + 50% of the price to be paid for the single person accommodated in such room.
*On your request you can continue your stay in Ohrid, for a 30 euros per person, per day - FB (breakfast, lunch and dinner), and the price is special for the participants in the festival. For additional days we will prepare special program for you.

Participation fee does not include:

  • On request, a professional tour guide can be hired to accompany the group on their excursions, but the travel guide expenses will be covered by the group.
  • Health insurance (First Aid and Medical Hospital will be available, medical services must be covered by the group).
  • Parking for the bus in the center of the town.
  • Macedonian tourist tax (0.80 euro cents per person per day).


Arriving.in.Ohrid,.hotel.accommodation.Meeting with the organizer in order to discuss details about the festival
Free night

Breakfast.in.the.hotel.Sightseeing of Ohrid: at the Monument of the City Center (St. Clement), National workshop for hand made paper, St. Sofia church, Plaosnik (3 euro), Antique theatre, Samoil fortress (2 euro), Kaneo.church.Lunch.in.the.hotel(if.FB)and.free.activities(swimming)Parade and performance of the participants (First.festival.evening)
Dinner in the hotel

Breakfast.in.the.hotel.Cruising.with.boat,on,Lake.Ohrid.(12 euro)Lunch.in.the.hotel.Parade through the city
Festival evening (performance of the participants, certificate for the participants by the organizers, and at the very end of the festival participants can exchange gifts and contacts with each other)  
Dinner in the hotel


Breakfast in the hotel
Sightseeing of the ethno village "ANDREVCI" village Godivje - visit of cultural and historical monuments, monastery "St. Gjorgjija, 13th century "church of St. Spas, visit to Ethno Museum, entrance 3 euro, with the possibility for everyone who enters the Museum will get a free drink, Brandy, Wine, or juice. Lunch in the Ethno village "ANDREVCI" for those who are with full board, for those who are half board can order lunch on favorable terms.
Dinner in the hotel

Breakfast in the hotel
Checking out of Hotels

OPTIONAL (with a professional tourist guide): Departure to Skopje city: sightseeing the city center with all the monuments, Porta Macedonia, City square, visiting Skopje Fortress, Skopje old bazaar (optional: lunch), Stone Bridge, Memorial House of St. Mother Teresa, Daut Pasha Hamam…

* The organizer reserves the right to change the festival program.
* In 2022 in this festival participated over 340 participants from 8 countries from the world.

Any group willing to participate must submit an Application form.
Approved groups pay in advance a 10% guarantee fee, which is to be deducted at the final payment.


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