Литва Šiauliai Folk music ensemble “JOVARĖLIS“ of Šiauliai Saulius Sondeckis Gymnasium of Art’s is a youthful and constantly refreshing artistic team. 10–18 year old children and youth sing and play in the ensemble. “Jovarėlis” participated in national and international festivals in Lithuania (in the international folk music festival “Tūto” (2006, 2009, 2014, 2016), the International P. Stepulis Festival-Contest of Chamber Instrumental Music Ensembles (2008, 2013, 2015, 2017), in Russia (the group became the winner of the 10th International Festival of M. Glinka (2012), in Czech Republic (the International Folklore Festival in Prague (2014), in Austria (the International Folklore Festival in Vienna (2016) and elsewhere. In 2007 the orchestra was awarded “Aukso paukštė” (Golden Bird) award in the nomination of the best Lithuanian orchestra of folk instruments.