Director: Kaloyan Nikolov Organizers: St. Cyril and St. Methodius UniversityFaculty of Fine ArtsEuro Folk AcademyInstitute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - IMI - BASEuropean Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFFVenue: St. Cyril and St. Methodius University - Hall "Europe" ONLINE participation.The roundtable will be broadcast live on YouTube Event channel of TVEurofolkProgram:May 19, 2016 - Reception of participants.May 20, 2016 - Discussions09:00 to 10:00 - Panel 1 - Presentation 1. Discussion about creating a global university network for the preservation and digitization of intangible cultural heritage.Each presentation with duration of 10 minutes - 6 presentations 1. Presentation of St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture 2. St. Cyril and St. Methodius University - 3D reenactment of cultural - historical site10:00 to 10:20 - Panel 2 - PresentationEach presentation with duration of 10 minutes - 2 presentations2. Discussion on the establishment of a university competition / festival system for university groups, who are seeking for and performing traditional folklore arts. Exchange of practices and innovations. 1. European Association of folklore festival - EAFF10:30 to 11:50 pm - Panel 2 - Discussion Participants in the discussion - 5-10 minutes per participantLunch13:00 to 17:00 - WEB open meeting for discussionExcursions and visit of cultural - historical sites in Veliko TarnovoMay 21, 201609:00 to 10:20 - Panel 3 - Presentation3. Discussion of creating a network for exchange of students and training of cadres in the field of intangible cultural heritage, applied and performing arts.Each presentation with duration of 10 minutes - 8 presentations 1. Presentation of St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture2. St. Cyril and St. Methodius University3. Euro Folk Academy10:30 to 11:50 - Panel 3 - Discussion Participants in the discussion - 5-10 minutes per participant13:00 to 14:20 - Panel 4 - Presentation4. The role of UNESCO in support of the creation of funds through / UNITWIN / UNESCO Chairs Programme / UNITWIN / departments / UNESCO networks and methods for co-generation of additional resources through activities on self-funding grants from public and private organizations. 1. UNESCO Chairs Programme / UNITWIN /2. Innovations in the technology of digitization, 3D, 4D technology, backup and availability.14:30 to 15:50 am - Panel - Discussion 4Participants in the discussion - 5-10 minutes per participant May 22, 2016Excursions and visit of cultural - historical sites in Veliko TarnovoIMPORTANT!The roundtable will be broadcast free on the Internet with open access and feedback from the audience.Participation in the Round Table can be carried out remotely via Skype account of invited interested scientists and universities around the world.Those who wish to participate as presenters or participants in the discussion should complete the application form. For admission to the participation of presenters please fill in the topic of discussion in which you want to be active supporters.There are no fee for one discussion and presentations.Due to the limited number of presentations, the organizers have the right of admission.Those who want can watch live the roundtable discussion. Only applied for participation people will be allowed in the hall.On ONLINE broadcast will be granted the opportunity for feedback in the form of text comments and questions.Reports, presentations and questions to presenters can be left on the platform for answers and additional discusions.Participants, wishing to attend the discussion, organizers offer a package of accommodation and catering. It is possible to organize transfers from airports for extra charge.