Director: Svetlana Rumenova International Dance and Vocal contest is open for groups and soloists of different ages and dance/vocal categories. It’s a celebration of dance art for children and adults in an unique atmosphere of joy and funny moments, combining a holiday in wonderful Italy with participation in a prestigious event. The biggest award will be 1 prize in the amount of 1000 euro for the best dance and best vocal group in the contest carefully selected by international jury. Our 13 years’ experience makes our organization leader in the realization of international festivals and contests in Italy and is synonyms for quality and excellence. It allows us to guarantee for all services our participants receive, maintaining good value for money. Age category: I) younger than 6 years; 7-9 years; 10-11 years; 12-13 years; 14-16 years; 17-19 years II) 20 – 27 years; over 28 years * The group age is based on the majority of the participants. Participants: GROUPS - Nominations in 2 categories: DANCE Folklore dance groups /authentic and stylized/ Classical dance groups Contemporary dance (jazz modern, neoclassic Sport dance (hip hop, disco, techno, street, break dance, and other street styles); VOCAL academic singing jazz/rock/rap singing folk singing pop singing SOLOISTS - NOMINATIONS IN 3 CATEGORIES: VOCAL: I category: academic singing; II category: jazz singing; III category: folk singing; IV category: pop singing; CHOREOGRAPHY: Variety dance Folk-stage and Folk-stylized dance Modern dance Classical dance Street dance INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMANCE: Folk instruments (accordion, accordion, balalaika, etc.) Wind instruments (flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, etc.) Classical instruments (guitar, piano, violin, cello, etc.), Variety instruments (electric guitar, synthesizer, percussion, etc.) Awards: Cash prize for groups - 1000 euro for 1 group in category "Dance" and "Vocal" Cash prize for soloists - 300 euro in category "Vocal", "Dance" and "Instrumental performance" The winner of the Grand Prix is determined in each of categories. The winners of I, II and III degrees are groups who won I, II and III places in each category in each age category. They are awarded cups, prizes and souvenirs. Groups/Soloists who do not win the main awards of the competition receive Diploma for participation and souvenir. The jury has the right not to award, but also to duplicate certain places at its own discretion. Jury: - The composition of the jury is formed and approved by the Organizing Committee of the competition. The jury of the competition is formed by specialists of culture and art, famous artists: composers, singers, choreographers, variety artists, teachers. - When there are situations when there are no worthy candidates for the Grand Prix and prizes, the Grand prix and prizes are not awarded. - The jury does not take into account national and social features, material possibilities. - Participants are evaluated in each nomination, in each age category. The jury evaluates the performance by closed voting. - The jury can share the title of laureate and diploma between several participants. - Decisions of the jury are not subject to appeal. - The Organizing Committee is not responsible for the decision of the jury and the awarding of seats to the participants. Competitive requirements, specified in the score sheet of the jury: Vocals: Purity of intonation; Range of voice; Artistry and scenic culture; Choosing a repertoire; Dance: Theme and selection of the repertoire; Performing skills; Dance composition; Costumes and props; Acting skills. Participation fee: 160 Euro per person - Hotel***, 190 Euro per person - Hotel**** For groups of 25 participants, 26th is serviced free of charge, for the groups with over 40 participants, 41st, 42nd and 43rd are serviced free of charge. Participation fee includes: 3 days accommodation in 3- or 4-bed comfort rooms, TV, private bathroom with a shower and hot water 3 days full board / italian breakfast, lunch and dinner with buffet with vegetables, 1st course, 2nd course, desert and water/ Excursion to San Marino Degustation of typical italian food Support our staff during the festival *Supplement for double room – 5 euro per day per person. *Supplement for single room – 15 euro per day per person. *Participating fee for group – 100 euro. *Participating fee for small groups of 5-10 persons – 40 euro. Upon request organizers can arrange bus transfers from airports to the hotel for additional fee. Participation fee does not include: Tourist tax: EUR 2 per person and night in hotel*** and EUR 3 per person and night in hotel**** Additional day in some of the hotels: 35 euro per person in hotel***, 45 euro per person in hotel**** Optional tours Transport, insurance... Any group willing to participate must submit an Application form. Approved groups pay in advance a 10% guarantee fee, which is to be deducted at the final payment. As a next step, the group should pay an amount of 30% of the overall cost to the Organizers of the festival.