Director: Radoslav Pavlov and Peter Stanchev International Conference Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage - DiPP2018 September 27–29, 2018 Burgas, Bulgaria Principal organiser: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Co-organisers: Regional Academic Center - Burgas, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Regional Historical Museum – Burgas, Burgas Free University, European Association of Folklore Festivals-EAFF, Index Ltd. Under the patronage of: UNESCO and Burgas District Administration DiPP2018 conference: September 27-29, 2018 Deadline for papers submission: June 05, 2018 Scope: The Eighth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage–DiPP2018 will be organized under the patronage of UNESCO and Burgas District Administration. It aims at presenting innovative results, research projects and applications in the field of digitisation, documentation, archiving, representation and preservation of global and national tangible and intangible cultural and scientific heritage. The focus of conference Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage - DiPP2018 is to provide open access to digitised cultural heritage and to set up sustainable policies for its continuous digital preservation and conservation. The priority area is the digital presentation and preservation of cultural and historical objects under conditions of risk. The forum will demonstrate innovative technologies and prototypes, including digital repositories, digital archives, virtual museums and digital libraries, which result from established practices and achievements in the field. Representatives of a number of public and specialised libraries, museums, galleries, archives, centres, both national and foreign research institutions and universities will be invited to participate and exchange experiences, ideas, knowledge and best practices of the field. There will be also Workshop on Open Access to Scientific Publications, Data and Data Science, which will primarily focus on the following activities: Open Access indicators; disseminate partners’ best practices; discuss research problems in the field; discuss the possibilities of establishing a network of open access repositories; contribute to the problems of the harmonization of national legislation and practices; and discuss the possibilities of developing training courses for creators and managers of scientific digital repositories to ensure interoperability. Working language of the conference: English Programme committee: Announced on the DiPP2018 web site Main topics: Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research and project papers that are not (and will not be) simultaneously under consideration for publication elsewhere. General areas of interests include (but are not limited to) the following topics: Digital libraries, e-archives, repositories, virtual museums, e-exhibitions and encyclopaedias of cultural heritage Virtual reconstructions and interactive multimedia solutions for museums, theatres, concert halls, exhibitions, etc. Restoration and preservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage Acceleration and facilitation of the sharing and exchange of research data Issues of the protection of intellectual property: determination, accreditation and management of rights to digital content Documentation, visualisation and interaction in museums and archives e-Infrastructures and open access to digitised cultural and scientific heritage Aggregators for transfer of digitised wealth within the European and global digital environment Semantic processing of cultural heritage knowledge. Techniques for extracting digital data and knowledge Use, efficiency and design of interfaces for applications in cultural heritage. Multilingualism Interactive systems in cultural and creative industries. Social games. Digital storytelling in cultural heritage Educational applications of digital libraries with cultural and scientific content Digitalisation of cultural heritage and economics of cultural tourism Paper types: full papers (8-10 pages); short papers (6 pages) and project papers (6 pages) All research papers must be written in English and follow the formatting guidelines of the conference template. Authors should clearly indicate the topic/s and the type of the contribution. All papers are peer-reviewed by at least two members of the programme committee. All submissions are reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, significance, soundness, and clarity. At least one author should attend the conference to present the paper. Demos, demonstrations and exhibitions: Memory institutions (e.g., libraries, museums, galleries, archives), research institutions and universities are invited to demonstrate their digital content management systems, digital archives, libraries and repositories preserving national cultural and scientific heritage. Selected papers will be published at Serdica Journal of Computing: Registration DiPP2018 registration fee is 50 Euro. DiPP2018 workshops and information days registration fee is 50 Euro. The DiPP2018 registration fee includes participation in all sessions/workshops of the conference, conference materials, and coffee breaks. For paper presentation at the Conference and publication in the Proceedings, one registration per paper is required. The registration will be done on-line through completing a registration form and by sending mail /see Authors’ Guidelines and use the template / to official organizer of conference submitted in doc as attachments. Participants may pay the DiPP2018 registration in EUR and BGN currency through a bank transfer or cash at site. For general information and Aplication mail to or visit: