India Jalandhar, punjab Heritage Dance Academy philosophy is to enhance the knowledge of folk dances like Bhangra, Gidha, Jindua, Sammi, Dhammal, Ghoomer, Kalbelia and other performing arts like theatre, singing, folk orchestra, gatka and promote the concepts, history, and symbolic representation of Folk Dances and other performing arts. Since its creation in 2005, Heritage Dance Academy has established a foundation for teams around the world to express their skill, talent, and charisma. The Heritage Dance Academy will represent its teams in competitions across the country Canada, USA, Europe, South East Asia, South America etc and will aim to keep youth involved in the local community. Heritage Dance Academy also encourages youth from other ethnic communities to join in spreading cultural awareness and tolerance. This community building aspect has been unique to Heritage Dance Academy. Past competitions have involved individuals from different religions, communities, races, and ethnic communities displaying Heritage Dance Academy’s commitment to cultural diversity and unity.