The European association of folklore festivals (EAFF) is one of major partners of the VI International folklore festival “Interfolk” which takes place every year in St. Petersburg, Russia. This year’s edition is takeing place from 8th till 12th November and by the organizers invitation on it will attend the President of EAFF Kaloyan Nikolov. In the prestigious forum participate 50 folklore groups and collectives from all over the world. Despite representatives of the hosts from Russia, participation in the festival takes ensembles from Japan, China, Italy, France, India, Estonia, Latvia, Philippines, Israel and others. The primary aim of the festival is to create closer contacts between the folklore collectives from the different countries with in respect of enrichment of the national traditions and the folklore fortune, to stimulate the international cooperation in the field of culture, as well as to preserve and pass the national traditions to the next generations. The president of EAFF Kaloyan Nikolov will use the opportunities of the prestigious forum of creation of new contacts and partnerships, and for exchange of successful practices with directors and organizers of folklore festivals.