170 groups will compete for the title „Absolute Balkan champion of folklore" in Hissarya at Open III Balkan Championship of Folklore “Jiva Voda - Euro Folk 2014”, which will take place in Hisarya from 4 to 8 June. Besides the performers from all ethnographic regions of Bulgaria, requests have been made by groups from Albania and Serbia.

The Championship is organized by the European Association of Folklore festivals - EAFF and Euro Folk Academy, along with the Municipality of Hisarya and is already establishing itself as a traditional with its third edition. It is a part of the Championship system of EAFF, which includes national, regional /Balkan, Caucasian/, continental /European, Asian/, 170 folklore collectives and individual performers will take part in the III Balkan/ and World championships of folklore, which are held under established Regulations. All the championships, which are also part of the Musical feasts "Euro Folk" are shot with a high quality professional audio and video equipment as the best are broadcasted at 25 cable and 4 satellite TV channels with coverage all across Europe. Media Partner of the Balkan Championship of Folklore is the Internet television "Eurofolk TV", which airs on address: tv.eurofolk.com. All this activities realize the main purpose of the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF - to promote traditional folk arts through the enormous possibilities of massmedia. Maintaining the diversity of the main traditional values ​​and identity of different nationalities, guarantees the evolution of humanity.

The Championship includes four concerts at the dates 5,6,7 and June 8. They begin at 10:00 o'clock every day and end at 21:00 on the stage of the Summer Theatre, as for unfavorable weather conditions, the participants will be performing in "Ivan Vazov 1902" Community Center. On 7 June at 18:00h, there will be a parade of the participants, which begins at the South Gate "Kamilite" at "Hisar" fortress. The same night will be held gala concert with awarding the winners in the championship. During the cultural event is a competition for traditional breads and loafs. In the championship are allowed to participate ensembles, vocal and dance groups, choirs, folk dance clubs, groups for old songs brass and folk bands, solo performers and duos. Competent jury of folklorists and choreographers will judge the participants on the following criteria: complexity of performance, quality of performance, vision /costumes, props, plays/ and stage performance.

The winner in the Balkan Championship will receive a prize Grand Prix golden "Orpheus", a check for € 1000, Gold Medal and Diploma for Absolute Balkan Champion of Folklore for 2014.During the Championship, the most talented artists will be awarded with medals /gold, silver and bronze/, certificates will be awarded to winners, diplomas of Balkan Championship of Folklore, certificates of continuity between generations, diplomas for discovery of the championship, for preservation and for development of folk arts and more.

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