„Folklore for a better world“ – under this moto, on the stage of “Variete Coliseum Arena” in Sunny Beach was opened V World Championship of Folklore “WORLD FOLK 2015”. During 8 competitive evenings, more than 120 vocal and dance groups, ensembles and individual performers from 20 countries will present and promote their cultural herritage. V World Championship of Folklore “WORLD FOLK 2015” was opened by Mr. Kaloyan Nikolov – president of the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF and the World Association of Folklore Festivals - WAFF. The Ministry of Culture sent a congratulatory address on the occasion of the anniversary edition of the Championship. „I welcome the efforts of the organizers to present this very diversified program. I am convinced, that the cultural variety and the inspiration of all performers will turn again the Championship into unforgettable experience.“, was written in the address, signed personally by the Minister of Culture - Mr. Vezhdi Rashidov. On the stage, as official guests, during the opening, were attending representatives of the professional international jury in composition: chairman - prof. Nikolay Kravtsov – Honoured Artist in Russia, candidate art specialist, dean at Saint Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts, laureate „Zolotoy knigi Otechestva“, and members: Maestro Georgi Yankov – conductor and musical specialist and Mr. Valentin Halvadzhiev - choreographer, as well as the honorary jury: Mrs. Mariana Nutsova - director of Internet Television "Eurofolk" and Mrs. Tsatsral Baatar - director of Art Lar House - Mongolia. Arbitrator of the jury committee is Mr. Valko Lyubenov – honorary activist of culture, Doctor Honoris Causa in folk music and dance at Ansted University UK, producer and choreographer, deputy chairman of Comission 6 at the International organization for folklore art IOV World - UNESCO! In the first evening of the championship, on the stage performed collectives from Latvia, Inner Mongolia-China, Poland, Iran, and of course - from the host-country – Bulgaria. In the next days of the Championship, the concerts will be attended by collectives from Korea, Ireland, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Moldova and other countries. The evaluations of the jury will be valid for ranking in the World ranking list of folklore. The participants in the V World Championship of Folklore “WORLD FOLK 2015” compete for a number of prestigious awards, degrees, diplomas, gold, silver and bronze medals. Най-добре представилите се състави ще бъдат отличени with Nomination Golden Orpheus, which would give them the right to participate in the race for the Grand Prix championship. The group, that collected the highest score on the following criteria: level of sophistication and technique of execution; vision, staging, selection of repertoire and stage performance, will reveice the Grand Prix and the title "Absolute world champion of folklore for 2015", as well as the money prize of 1000 Euro, provided by the organizers. Organizers of this massive musical event are World Association of Folklore Festivals - WAFF, European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF, World Folklore Academy. The concert program of the championship will be broadcast live by Internet Television "EuroFolk"! Detailed program of the dates and the stages of the performances, might be found HERE