12 folklore groups, choir and cheerleading groups from nine countries participated in the International Festival "Music, dance and sea". The dance forum was held from 22 to 27 August in the popular Greek tourist resort Paralia (Katerini).In both festival evenings, participants from Russia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Czech Republic, Turkey, Poland, Macedonia, Bosna and Hercegovina presented their programs on the central square in Paralia and the beach Olimpic. They filled the light motif of the festival - presentation of cultural traditions of different countries and regions and provide an opportunity for participants in the groups to meet and establish friendships through dance and music.Festival director, Prof. Dr. Zoran Strezovski, noted in his speech the enormous work of the organizers, thanks to which more and more groups from Europe are attracted by the possibility to represent their cultures and traditional arts in the magnificent Greek resort.At the end of the festival each group received a certificate of participation and representation. Some of the groups made trip by boat. All participants expressed their satisfaction with the organization of the festival and some of them stated, that they would participate again next year.