Photo exhibition "Folklore - shared knowledge. Past, present, future." is a common initiative of the European Association of Folklore Fesivals - EAFF, IMI-BAS and IEFEM Bulgarian Academy of Sience.

The project includes 56 photos and it is divided into two parts. The majority of the exhibits reflect moments from the folklore festivals and championships held in Bulgaria under the aegis of EAFF, the official partner of UNESCO. Author of photos is Georgi Nutsov, official photographer of the Association. Photos of singers, dancers and musicians from Bulgaria, Russia, Croatia, Moldova, Latvia, Poland, Georgia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Iran, South Korea and others, will be presented. 

The second part includes photos of the four sub-projects of the National Program FOLKKNOW with contractors IMI-BAS, IEFEM-BAS, University of Veliko Tarnovo. The main purpose of the program is the development of methods for annotation, digitization, archiving and presentation of the Bulgarian folklore heritage and the folklore fund of IEFEM-BAS. Objects from the FOLKKNOW digital repository are presented, consisting of photo, video, audio and text digital archives.

The visitors of the exhibition will have the opportunity to feel the gentle magic but also the fiery passion of the most original art born of the human genius and meet "eyes in the eye" with heirs of ancient cultures and bearers of their national folklore traditions! The exhibition illustrates the diversity of Bulgarian and world folklore, whose creative power is in the shared knowledge between the different generations and the different ethnic groups.

Photo exhibition "Folklore - shared knowledge. Past, present, future."  will be opened on April 19th, 2018 in the "Vasil Levski" Palace of culture and sports within the Scientific conference "Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitization". The events are part of the program of the XVth edition of the International Tourism Exhibition "Cultural Tourism" - Veliko Tarnovo 2018.