The president of the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF, Mr Kaloyan Nikolov is a delegate in the Seventh Session of General Assembly of countries, part of the Convention on the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The Assembly is holding in the headquarters of UNESCO in Paris from today (4th of June) till Wednesday (6th of June 2018). Over the three days, 177 States Parties will discuss a number of issues that are important for the safeguarding of living heritage around the world. In the margin of this Assembly, a series of side-events is being organized by the Secretariat under the global theme of ‘Tell your #living heritage story’. They will exhibit the richness of living heritage today and provide a platform for discourse and experience-sharing among the different actors involved in safeguarding, including the States, NGOs, youth and community members. Part of the accompanying events is also the photo exhibition "Folklore - shared knowledge. Past, present, future" owned by the official photographer of the EAFF - Georgi Nutsov. The faces and moments captured by his camera during the EAFF festivals in Bulgaria are an indicator of the diversity and beauty of the traditions and their passing through the generations.