The third folklore festival "Saint Ladislaus" was held in the atmosphere of Bulgarian-Hungary friendship, said the director of the music forum - Gaal Tibor. The event was conducted from 28th of June till 1st of July in the Hungarian capital Budapest and it was attended by 4 Bulgarian and 2 Hungarian groups. "Unfortunately, weather was also interrupted. Despite this, a good mood was created thanks to the beauty of Budapest and the hospitality of "Törekvés" Cultural Center. Thanks to the participants for the program: "Chudesiya" from Pazardzhik; "Ot Izvora" and "Shopcheta-Bobcheta" from Sofia; Children's-youth folklore ensemble "Bulgarche" from Veliko Tarnovo; "Törekvés" Dance Ensemble from Budapest; "Miklós Manninger" Traditional Group from Budapest", Gaal Tibor informed. Ladislaus I Saint - was King of Hungary from 1077 and King of Croatia from 1091. He was the second son of King Béla I of Hungary. Ladislaus was one of Hungary's most respected kings. Before accession to the throne he was an adviser to his brother, Géza I, who fought against their kinsman Sholomon. When Geza I died, his heirs appointed him as a king, according to tradition - the titles and positions belonged to the oldest member of the royal line. During the years of civil war, Ladislaus strengthened its position and issued a series of laws that restore order in the kingdom. After the canonization (27th of June 1192), Ladislaus became a role model for the next Hungarian kings. More photos from the event you can check on the facebook page of the Association.