Ensembles for folklore dances, choirs and orchestras which program includes gypsy dances and music will be accepted for participation in the first edition of International GYPSY Festival, which will be held from 8th till 10th of December in Belgrade (Serbia).

"We wanted to introduce innovation in our programs and we decided that the theme of this our Festival, would be Music and Dances of Gypsy all over the world. In support of the realization of this idea is also the fact that Gypsies have the reputation of extraordinary musicians, singers, dancers.", explain the director of the festival Milutin Lukic. 

According to him "There is no gypsy music in its autochthonous form, because wherever they live, they take over the music of that region and since they have great  musical talent, they are creating new musical and playful forms."

It can be said that thanks to the musical interpretation of the Gypsies, today we have a "cardas" in Hungary, "flamenco" in Spain, tambourine in Turkey or the introduction of clarinet into the music of Greece. Thanks to the artistic interpretation of music, dances and songs by Gypsies, many have managed to understand all the beauty of music.

The intention of the author of the project is to bring together ensembles who are playing this kind of music or have dances inspired with this music from all the world and to enjoy in similarities and differences.

 "Gypsies of all the world" will be a multicultural event, where we expect the performers would be folklore ensembles, choirs, orchestras who have dances and music of Gypsy on their repertoire program among other traditional music, songs and dances.  

Applications for participation can be submitted till 26th of October 2018 on the official website of European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF.