The large scale folklore event - World Cup of Folklore will be held in May 2019 in three countries - Bulgaria, Italy and Ukraine. For the first time, the competition has held in Bulgaria and Italy in 2016 by the initiative of the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF, partners by license are the World Association of Folklore Festivals - WAFF World Cup of Folklore ™. According to the regulation in Bulgaria, the Cup will be held in Ukraine for the first time in 2019, simultaneously with the III National Championship of Folklore "Eurofolk - Chernivtsi 2019" and the festival "Euro Folk - Bukovina 2019". The World Cup of Folklore is held in Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria) in parallel with the festival No.1 in Europe for folklore arts - Stara planina Festival "Balkan Fok" and the National Championship of Folklore "Euro folk 2019". Applications for participation can be submitted in the website of EAFF: World Cup of Folklore™ - Ukraine 2019 3 - 6 May, 2019 - Chernivtsi, Ukraine World Cup of Folklore™ - Veliko Tarnovo 2019 9 - 19 May, 2019 - Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria World Cup of Folklore™ - Jesolo 2019 16 - 20 May, 2019 - Jesolo, Italy