The spirit and culture of the largest and most populous continent will come to life through songs, dance and music in the heart of Asia - Ulan Bator from 10th till 15th of June 2020. The first Asian Folklore Championship "Asia Folk 2019" held in the capital of Mongolia was very successful. The hospitality of the organizers and the careful consideration of all the components about the second edition of "Asia Folk" will contribute to its even more successful realization and make it a celebration of the unique and eternally alive folklore customs. Main task of the organizers is to ensure the creative groups an access to the stage, to gather them in a program aimed at defining the best ones and to popularize the award winners of the fest by broadcasting their art in world TV air. Accompanying events, the grand opening and closing of the Championship, the presentation of the most ancient Mongolian customs and traditions - will create unique atmosphere in addition to the concerts, that causes a cultural explosion in each participant. Concerts will be held at an open-air stage in the Chinggis Square, at a stage in the UB City Park as well as in the Cultural Center in Ulan Bator. Groups who can participate in the competition program are: folklore ensembles, vocal and dance groups, choirs, folklore dance clubs, groups for old urban songs, brass orchestras, folklore orchestras, individual performers and duos. The importance of holding that kind of events is really important for the preservation and spreading of Asian millennial traditions. You can check the details about the first edition of the Championship - here. Realize your Asian dream and experience an unforgettable Mongolian tale, declaring your desire to participate in a major project aimed at safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage. Don't miss the adventure!