In connection with the declared from the United Nations and the World Health Organization Pandemic of COVID 19, the Board of Directors and the Office of the President of the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF - ICH Advisor of UNESCO sends the present address to the members of the Association to direct a special attention in organizing and conducting international anthropological festivals and the festivals with open cultural focus.

We appeal to the organizers of the festivals to comply with the instructions of the prevention headquarters of the country concerned and assist in their efforts to combat the emerging Pandemic.

We appeal to all participationg groups to comply with the instructions of the prevention headquarters of the country concerned.

We appeal to all involved institutions and partner organizations, hotels, transport companies of the relevant Organizing Committees, where possible, to cooperate in the best way to redirect the new dates for conducting the festivals, which have been cancelled due to inability to be held. We hope that all transferred advance funds to ensure the accommodations to hotels and transport be restored or remain active and be redirected to future periods, agreed with the Organizing Committees. We hope that through tolerance and correctness, the negative consequences will be restricted for the accommodation facilities, organizational teams, and participants in the relevant events.

The development of mankind depends on the sound foundation upon which it is built. The conducting of folk / anthropological and open cultural festivals are the modern platform for sharing and tolerance, culture and identity, friendship and understanding - basic human values.

Maintaining the correct human relations in terms of Emergency situations make us people, affirming the civilization model, which has been achieved with tremendous effort by generations.

We hope to overcome the difficult situation and move forward with new strenght.


Good luck and Health!



of European Association

of Folklore Festivals - EAFF

/Kaloyan Nikolov/