Easter is one of the brightest Christian holidays. This year, the day commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated on April 12 by Catholics and April 19 by Orthodox Christians.

Holy Week is revered in almost every corner of the globe and has many universal symbols to which it is associated. However, here are some unconventional and interesting customs you never even imagined: 

It is a festive tradition in the Bermuda Islands to launch kites. The reason for the unconventional custom is that in the past the missionary used the kite as an example to explain the symbol of the cross.

On the Corfu Island residents take part in the annual “Pot Throwing”. They throw pots, pans, and other earthenware out of windows. The practice is thought to be inherited from Venetians who used to throw old objects through their balconies on the New Year's eve.

In Cyprus, it is typical to light large fires in the yards of churches and schools. In some parts of the country you can see dolls representing Judas burning. 

Traditionally in Bulgaria Easter eggs are painted on either Holy Thursday or Holy Saturday. The oldest woman paints the first egg red, and while it is still warm and freshly painted, she draws a cross on the foreheads of the children in the house. The symbolism of this action is that they will be healthy throughout the year. The same egg is placed in a special place in the home where it stands for one year - for example, in front of the icon. If the egg is not spoiled on the next Easter, then it will be a prosperous year. The belief is that the winner of the egg tapping contest (whoever's egg doesn't crack) will have the best health that year.

In Italy, in the Florence region there is a custom named “Scorppio del carro”. On Easter Sunday, a cart, packed full of fireworks and other pyrotechnics, is lit and provides a historic spectacle in the civic life of the city. Antique cart (in use for over 500 years) is escorted by 150 soldiers, musicians, and people in 15th century dress. A successful display from the " Scorppio del carro" tradition is supposed to guarantee a good harvest, stable civic life, and good business.

In France, one of the most interesting traditions involves flying raw eggs that children toss and catch. If someone drops his egg and it breaks, he has to get candy and chocolate for the rest of the kids.

In Germany, each province has its own customs, but an important holiday symbol in the country is the Easter tree, which is decorated one week before the holiday, with its branches decorated with painted eggs tied with colorful ribbons. The symbol of the Easter Bunny originated in the 16th century from German folklore and spread to other countries. It hides the colorful eggs in the gardens of the houses that children need to find and collect.

In Britain, on Good Friday, traditional small loaves are decorated with a cross with raisins, loaves are named “cross buns”. On Sunday, the island's residents organize fun races, rolling painted eggs on the slopes. The winner is the one whose egg comes first down.

In Ukraine, they decorate raw eggs named “pysanky", decorated with traditional Ukrainian folk designs using a wax-resist method. Тhe inside of the eggs is taken out through fine holes at both ends. Each element painted on the egg is a unique symbol. 

In Russia, they have a special Easter game where the painted eggs are put into special chutes. The goal is to break the eggs of the opponents. At the festive table, the housewife should traditionally put as many dishes as the days of the longest fasting of the year. 

In Australia, holiday treats are made not in the form of a rabbit, but in the form of "bilby" - the Easter symbol of the country, which is a baggy animal, a mix between a mouse and a rabbit.