We continue the initiative #StayHome with the performance of one of the most interesting participants in the festival forums held under the auspices of EAFF. 

Enjoy the "Jaftanovicevo kolo" performance of Tambura Orchestra "Dugo Selo" from Croatia. Thanks to the perfect performance, musicians won the Golden medal and the nomination for the Grand Prix Golden "Orpheus" druting the World Championship of Folklore "World Folk" 2015. The group also won the Special award of the main media partner of the event - EuroFolkTV

Tambura orchestra from Dugo Selo has a 25-year history. Artistic director Prof. Dario Cebic shared with us: "We started as a small orchestra with only eight musicians, but over time we have grown and since 2010 the orchestra has more than 35 musicians. Our mission is to promote the traditional Croatian music".

The orchestra is constantly expanding because each year its leaders select 10 of the best students to include in the main performers. The main instruments are the tambourines (tambura) – one theory is that the tambourine comes from Persia and the other is that it comes from Turkey. Accompanying instruments in the orchestra are - samica, double bass, violin and harmonica.

Performers have traveled to many countries and have achieved their greatest success in Austria, France, Italy and Bulgaria. 

The repertoire of musicians have songs from all over Croatia, as well as songs typical of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The musicians also play autors works.



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