On May 5th an online work meeting with more than 50 choreographers was held initiated in а facebook group (Фолкор по време на пандемия!; translation: Folklore during a pandemic!). The most important subject in the dance, art and music fields - the prohibition to work in the rehearsal halls was discussed on the meeting. Online discussion was attended by choreographers from the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts Prof. Asen Diamandiev (Plovdiv, Bulgaria) and the South-West University Neofit Rilski (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria).
All the attendances have united in the idea of a letter to the authorities requesting a meeting and discussing the measures for the gradual opening of the halls, which will be submitted to the respective institutions.
You can fill the petition here.

To support the idea, please share the petition with your friends, colleagues and associates across the country so that we can reach as many people as possible who support the initiative!