You can apply for participation in the Seventh Scientific Conference "Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitization" (KIN 2021) until October 31st, 2021. In the period 22-24 April, the thematic meeting will be conducted in Veliko Tarnovo. Participation in the event, seminar and round table can be done ONLINE through ZOOM. The main focus of this year's forum will be modern research trends and innovative applications in this broad spectrum field, as well as the Bulgarian experience in the presentation and digitalization of scientific and cultural heritage. 11 are the research areas, within the broad limits of which the contents of the presented materials can fall. The Conference is expected to include both established Bulgarian experts and foreign experts to contribute their knowledge and extensive experience in the field of preservation, presentation and digitalization of cultural and historical heritage. The organizers of the scientific discussion - the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (BAS), the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore with Ethnographic Museum (BAS), the National Archaeological Institute with Museum (BAS), the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria (Veliko Tarnovo branch), St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo (Faculty of Fine Arts), the European Association of Folklore Festivals and the Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo, invite research institutes, universities, libraries, museums, archives, galleries, business representatives and tourist information centers to exchange experiences, ideas and results on the topics of the Conference.