In the old Bulgarian capital - Veliko Tarnovo there is busy preparing for the organization of the twenty-fourth edition of the Stara Planina Festival "Balkan Folk", which will welcome the lovers of folklore from 13 to 23 May 2021.

The festival leader in the European traditional folklore forums will celebrate its 24 anniversary and this makes it even more purposeful in its mission to give opportunity for performance of artistic groups and soloists of all genres - folklore choirs, ensembles, orchestras and dance groups, groups for old urban songs, classical music, tourist songs, patriotic music and church songs, without limits in the age of participants.

The combination of the urge to perform and the variety of performances will be captured by professional operators, broadcasting footage on EurofolkTV and creating a film production that will archive the most exciting moments of the forum for future generations.

The event, which brings together folklore art from artists from around the world, is attended by 9,000 to 15,000 musicians, singers and dancers each year. Simultaneously with the festival program in Veliko Tarnovo will be held the National Championship of Folklore "Euro Folk 2021"

The historical and spiritual capital of Bulgaria awaits you to reward your desire to promote folklore with breathtaking views. You will be able to enjoy the audio-visual show "Sound and Light", illuminating the fortress "Tsarevets", the perched houses on the steep slopes of the city, hiding centuries-old traditions, legends and historical monuments, as well as the walks through the quiet cobbled streets.

You can check the regulations of the forum and apply for participation here.

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