The VIIth International Conference "Cultural-historical heritage: preservation, presentation, digitization" was held from 21 to 25 April 2021 giving the possibility to 104 leading experts from Austria, Bulgaria, Bashkurdistan, India, Canada, Moldova, Ukraine, Mongolia, the Netherlands, OAE, Russia, Serbia and Turkey to present their scientific and scientific-applied researches, project and innovations. The online event, based in Veliko Tarnovo, was broadcast live on the Youtube channel „Cultural and Historical Heritage Conference“ where you can aslo watch the presented reports. Organizers of the scientific conference are the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (IMI-BAS), the St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Faculty of Fine arts, the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Science with ethnographic museum (IEFEM-BAS), the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF, the branch of Council od Scientists of Bulgaria and Veliko Tarnovo Municipality in Veliko Tarnovo. The main focus of KIN2021 was the modern research trends and innovative applications, as well as the Bulgarian experience in the presentation and digitalization of cultural and historical heritage. Researches in the field of many humanities were presented, as well as the connection between information technology, digitalization, digital conversion, publication of electronic information arrays on cultural, historical and scientific heritage, systematization and effective access. More information about the research areas, the presentation of the developments and the conduction of the international meeting can be found on its official website, available in English, Bulgarian and Russian.