New series of international online festivals-competitions named "Argentine Gathering" are based in the capital of Argentina - Buenos Aires. Digital events are organized in virtual space each month from November 2021 until December 2022

The upcoming one-year festival marathon welcomes all the bearers of choreography, vocal, choral, instrumental, applied and theater art, as well as all the participants in the categories of speech, modern theater, creative, photography and video art. 

Based on the results in the competitions each month, winners are awarded with the title "Grand Prix", as well as Laureate titles Ist, IInd and IIIrd degrees according to the category in which the performer competes. Grand Prix winners also receive certificates-vouchers in the amount of 100, 200, 300 or 500 Euro for participation in offline European festival in 2022-2023 as well as special invitations for participation in the festivals in Europe without paying festival fee.

Director of the Argentinian online competitions Mrs Natalia Kazlova organizes online festival celebrations based in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro. International Online Festival-Competition "Under the Brazilian sun" will answer the need of participants to overcome the space and time limits and to take part in the competitions throughout the year from November 2021 to December 2022.

Check out the regulations and state your desire to participate in the International Online Festival-Competition "Argentine Gathering" or in the  International Online Festival-Competition "Under the Brazilian sun". Whatever you choose, the experience will be unforgettable.

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