"MAGIC BRIDGES OF BUDAPEST" is International Festival and Competition of Folklore, Dance and Music, which is held in Budapest twice a year: in April and in October.
The main message of the VI. International Folklore, Dance and Music Festival and Competition "MAGIC BRDGES OF BUDAEST" is the search for new talents, establishment of international friendly and creative contacts, enrichment of the multinational culture on the basis of mutual respect for the cultural traditions of all the countries and nations of the world, popularization the children’s and youth creative work, sharing experiences and creative achievements of participants from different countries, improvement of professional skills and qualifications of teachers and leaders.
Participation in the art festival "MAGIC BRIDGES OF BUDAPEST" gives an opportunity to perform in Budapest and to demonstrate creative results to the audience in Hungary! The brightest stars take part in the GALA CONCERT OF THE WINNERS!!!

General information:

VI. International Folklore, Dance and Music Festival and Competition “MAGIC BRIDGES OF BUDAPEST” is determined for soloists, ensembles and groups of young performers from different countries of the world. The competitive program of the participants is approved by the Organizing Committee on the basis of applications received. The schedule of the competitive programme for all participants is determined in advance and depends on the age of the participants. All participants should prepare a competitive program within the time limits specified for each competitive discipline: 4 minutes for soloists and duets, 6 minutes for small formations (up to 8 persons) and 9 minutes for ensembles and groups.  
Participants of the International Folklore, Dance and Music Festival and Competitions “MAGIC BRIDGES OF BUDAPEST” are divided in the following age categories:
  • MINI KIDS - from 6 to 8 years,
  • CHILDREN - from 9 to 12 years,
  • JUNIORS 1 - from 13 to 15 years,
  • JUNIORS 2 - from 16 to 18 years,
  • ADULTS 1 - from 19 years to 25 years,
  • ADULTS 2 - from 26 years and older,
  • SENIORS - from 50 years and older,
The jury evaluates the skills of the participants during the competitive performance in each competitive discipline and in each age category in accordance with the 10-points evaluation systems. Results of the art competition and festival are being summed up by the end of all competitive performances.


The Organizing Committee awards diplomas of participation, diplomas of Laureate of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades, Winner of the Grand Prix and festival medals to all participants. Ensembles and groups of 3 or more persons receive one big cup or trophy of the festival and Diploma, soloists and duets receive one small cup or trophy of the festival and Diploma. The absolute Winner of the festival receives the Grand Prix of the festival and Diploma Grand Prix. All teachers, choreographers, group and ensemble leaders also receive the Diplomas of Festival.

Main technical requirements:

All audio sound records for the competitive program must be recorded only in the usual audio format. All audio sound records must be of high quality, with clean editing and cuts. All audio sound records for the competitive program must be sent to the Organizing Committee by email. All sound records submitted to Organizing Committee must contain the name of participant in Latin characters, title of the composition and time limit. The participants must inform the Organizer if the music stops and starts again after pause or contains silence within the musical composition.


1st day, 06.05.2022
arrival to Budapest, check-in at the hotel (after 15:00 p.m.) and accommodation.
In the afternoon for organized groups (more than 40 persons) guided walking sightseeing tour “BUDAPEST GRAND CITY TOUR” around the historical center of Budapest.
Organizing meeting for art directors, group leaders, teachers and choreographers with the members of organizing Committee. Dinner. Overnight in Budapest.
Optional: Visit to thermal baths SZECHENYI - the biggest and most popular of all the thermal baths in Budapest

Optional: in the evening – Evening Boat Cruise on the Danube river

2nd day, 07.05.2022

breakfast at the hotel. FESTIVAL DAY PROGRAMME according competitive disciplines: stage testing, sound check, general rehearsal. OPENING CEREMONY, performances of the participants. CLOSING CEREMONY, GALA CONCERT of WINNERS. Return to the hotel. Dinner. Overnight in Budapest.

3rd day, 08.05.2022
breakfast at the hotel. Check out from the hotel. Departure of the participants from Budapest.

Participation fee:

  • 90 Euro per person
    • every 21st person in the group is free of charge (20 paying participants + 1 free)

Participation fee includes:

  • 2 overnights in BUDAPEST in hotel cat. 3* on basis HB (buffet breakfast + dinner)
  • Accommodation in TRPL and QDRPL rooms for participants.
    We give 1 DBL/TWIN for group leaders  (groups less than 40 persons)
    and 2 DBL (group more than 40 persons)
    More Double rooms are possible for Extra SUPPLEMENT / See Additional Payment 
  • Walking guided sightseeing tour  “BUDAPEST GRAND CITY TOUR” (only for group with more than 40 persons)
  • OFFICIAL LETTER OF INVITATION and other documents

Participation fee does not include:

  • SOLOISTS and DUETS pay extra for SOLO / DUET participation  - 15 EURO per person
  • Extra overnight in hotel – 32 EURO per person a night
  • LUNCHES in BUDAPEST: 10-12 EURO per person / 1 lunch
  • DINNERS in BUDAPEST: 10-12 EURO per person / 1 dinner
  • Extra overnight in hotel in Budapest – 35,-EURO per person
  • Extra payment for accommodation in DBL or TWIN room –  14 EURO per person to festival package price
  • Extra payment for accommodation in SNGL room – 50 EUR per person to festival package price
  • TRANSFERS IN BUDAPEST: from hotel to Concert Hall and back, from Airport to hotel and back
  • TRAVEL EXPENSES (transportation  of participants to / from Budapest, transfers in Budapest, travel insurance, entrance visa to Hungary for participants from non-Schengen countries), lunches, entrance tickets to sightseeing objects, tickets to public traffic, optional excursions
  • On demand it is possible Extra Payment services connected to booking personal transportation from Airport to the hotel and back, meeting at the airport by the Festival Stuff, changing the offered hotel to higher class or booking  additional services  by contacting and sending official request to the Organizing Committee
Any group willing to participate must submit an Application form.

Approved groups pay in advance a 10% guarantee fee, which is to be deducted at the final payment.

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