Title: The Fragrances of Punjabi Folk Fusion
BBS Kala Manch: full name of this kala manch is Bhangra Blaster Sabhyachark Kala Manch.BBS Kala Manch is establishment under the need to show  the cultural fragrance all over the world as well as to attached our young generation with the roots of our great Punjabi culture and heritage with different entertains arts form like bhangra,luddi,jhumar,Gidha,Sammi,Jindua,Malwai Gidha,Marshal Art Gatka,Folk Singing,Folk Act,Folk Music, Legends of Punjab etc.
 In 1999 some young artist consist with another people for this purpose and established a small group for folk art.,Some time passed, they turned into a wide group of artists and famous with Bhangra Blaster Sabhychark Kala Manch.
In 2006 this kala manch registered no. 638   under Society Act 1860 to work all over the world. Artists of this manch performing all over the india as well as forigen countries  New Zealand , Malaysia, Russia, German, United Kingdom,Singapore, Bangkok,  in folk festivals under associations, institutions, academies, EAFF,NGO’s, Private programs, Different Culture Centers of the India, Under state Governments, ministry of culture, Government of india. There Are approximate 325 expert artists working this Kala Manch and many under training.  BBS Kala Manch organized workshops for learner free of cost in the Month of June in every Year.
President /Director of BBS Kala Manch Mr.Shingara Singh is multi-talented passionate cultural activist, a professional folk dancer, choreographer, ideator, skilled teacher and event designer is for his creative out of the box performances and initiatives. He had an experience of more than 20 years into promotion of arts and culture activities. He display his work all states of India and many countries of the world. Now these days he works under education department of Punjab. He is an Indian Punjabi Folk Dancer who was introduced to the Diwali Festival Held in New Zealand by ICCR under Kalehri Art and Culture Academy while serving in the Education Department of Punjab.
Objectives of BBS Kala Manch(regd-638):
  • To promote Punjabi culture all over the world
  • To attached young generation with His heritage
  • To promote national and international understanding
  • To understand another’s culture
The Geners , we performing  and training
  1. Punjabi Folk  Music vocal and instrument
  2. Punjabi Folk Dances
  3. Punjabi Folk Drama
  4. Marshal Art Gatka