Словения Laško Folk-Cultural Association Anton Tanc Marija Gradec was founded in 1979 and has been active ever since. Association's original purposes and intentionsare to explore, record, present and to keep alive the rich cultural traditions of Slovenian folklore legacy. We do not focus solely on traditional chants and dances of various Slovenian regions, but also on preservation of different customs and traditions of our native Kozjansko region. Hence our repertoire also includes 4 farm labour-related customs and 8 seasonal festivities-related customs: Godovanje (The Name Day celebration), Easter customs, harvesting customs and traditions, St. Martin's day celebrations, Tradicional Wedding...We perform all over Slovenia, and also take part in folklore festivals abroad.Association Anton Tanc itself as well as some of its members have been awarded with Municipality Laško recognition prize called *'Možnar'*.