For the first time, singers and dancers from seven countries will perform on the stage of the biggest folklore event on the Balkans, which is held in Veliko Tarnovo – Stara Planina Fest  „Balkan Folk 2015”. The festival of traditional folk arts is № 1 in Europe and is a main event in the Musical feasts "Euro Folk 2015".

Besides Bulgarian groups, we expect attractive performances in the old town from participants from Moldova, Romania, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Armenia.

The lovers of different genres of music with folklore elements will be able to enjoy old urban, folklore and church songs, and get acquainted with the typical local customs. The repertoire of the participants includes typical instruments: bagpipe, clarinet, flute, accordion, trumpet, etc.

Over the years „Balkan folk” has collected more than 140 thousand participants, as only in 2003, the groups have been more than 840, with 15 thousand singers and dancers. The intention of the organizers for the anniversary XX edition of the Feast, is to collect at least 600 groups with about 12-13 thousand participants.

The first concert of Stara Planina Fest „Balkan Folk 2015”, which is a part of the Championship system of EAFF, is on May 8 /Friday/ at 14:00 at the Summer theater of Marno Pole park.

Performances of groups will be judged by a professional jury: Chairman - maestro Georgi Yankov; Members: Valentin Halvadjiev, Ivan Danchev, Mihail Dyulgerov, Veselin Atanasov and Mariana Nutsova.

The participants will receive diplomas for laureates, for an essential contribution to the preservation and promotion of traditional Bulgarian folk arts, prizes, diplomas and honorary signs. The best will be awarded with golden, silver and bronze medals. And the Big award - Grand Prix Golden "Orpheus" and the title Absolute national champion of Folklore for 2015 will bring to the winner the award of 1000 leva, provided by the organizers.

During the festival, the petition for construction of a monument in the name of the founder of Stara Planina Fest „Balkan Folk" and Musical feasts "Euro folk", Iliyan D. Nikolov will continue.

Stara Planina Fest „Balkan Folk” is among the most prestigious events in the cultural calendar of Veliko Tarnovo Municipality, which is a partner of the forum. This year, it is dedicated to 830 years since the rebellion of the brothers Assen and Peter.

All concerts will be broadcast directly worldwide by the internet television – EuroFolk TV –, and the recorded materials will be broadcast in dozens of Bulgarian televisions.

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