From 1 to 5 June in the "pearl" of Montenegro - Budva, was held V International Music & Folk - Dance festival "BUDVA FEST". "Over 350 participants from 5 countries participated in the festival. The festival evening was held on 3 June. After the parade in the city, each ensemble had 15 - 20 minutes program to dance and sing. The festival evening finished with dancing together of all groups on famous Montenegro songs. Every group received certificate for participation and a present.The festival finished with joint party in hotel "Loza", where all participants dance together untill midnight.“, announced Zoran Strezovski, director of the festival. "In their free time, participants had a boat trip, visiting Kotor and Dubrovnik, and durring the day they had the opportunity to enjoy the beach Slovenska plaza.“, says in addition the director of "Budva fest". Festival days in Budva continue until September, with singing and dancing folklore and ch oir musical events. You can find more information at the official web page of the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF.